Policy Handbook
Pegasus Playscheme 2024
You can download the PDF HANDBOOK – HERE
You can click on any section to view:
- Aim of the Playscheme
- Admissions criteria and Fees Policy
- Accident and Incident Procedure Policy
- Medication Policy (pg.
- Behaviour and Discipline Policy
- Bullying Policy
- Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Collection Policy
- Compliments and Complaints Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Daily Routine Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Fire Procedure Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Staff Disciplinary Procedure
- Volunteer Disciplinary procedure
- Volunteer Code of Conduct
- Toileting of children procedure
- Equipment and Cleaning Procedure
- Minibus Emergency Procedure
- Lost child Procedure
- Horse Riding Procedure
- Finance Policy and Procedures
- Modern Day Slavery Policy
- Self-Harm Policy
1. Aim of the Playscheme
- To provide an active summer playscheme for children and young people with a disability
- To increase the quality of life through integration and play
- To promote Good practice in youth volunteering
- To improve Opportunities for our local teenagers
- To help All children feel valued and develop self-worth
- To provide a high standard of care to all children/volunteers/parents/carer’s
- To support families at a time of need
- To strengthen communities and provide equal opportunities for people who are excluded or disadvantaged
- Bring together communities from different races and faiths, and promote a shared sense of belonging (community cohesion) to Develop key policies, ensuring a safe scheme
- Offer excellent Value for Money
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well-being
- A total of up to 36 child places will be available
- The children will be split into 3 groups, age-appropriate
- 3 Qualified Group Leaders
- 6 Assistant Group Leaders
- • Up to 50 teenage 1-1 volunteers
- The scheme Managers along with the Project Coordinator will have responsibility for the day-to-day running issues. There will be
weekly committee, staff and volunteer meetings - All Staff, volunteers and committee will wear badges at all times
- All staff and volunteers will wear Pegasus T-shirts
- Budgets are controlled by full committee approval.
Staff Supervision
- The staff coordinator shall carry out the immediate wishes and policies of the committee
Other children on the scheme
- Staff and volunteers children are not allowed to attend the scheme
- There will be no transport provided to and from the scheme
- 3 minibuses will be hired for the duration of the scheme (Regents Coaches)
Staff Absence
- In the event of any staff being absent the Staff coordinator will
- temporarily promote an assistant leader
- A permanent decision will be made by the committee should the member of staff not return
Volunteer Involvement
- The volunteer coordinator will deal with all volunteer matters when on site. Volunteers must be aged 14 or over
2. Admissions and Criteria Policy
Children and young people who attend Pegasus should have severe learning difficulties not confined to physical disabilities. Children with severe behavioural problems cannot be accepted.
The children should live in Dover, Deal and surrounding areas.
Any child must have reached their 8th birthday prior to the commencement of the scheme and must also not have reached their 22nd birthday prior to the completion of the scheme. (At the discretion of the committee)
The children should attend a specialist school; life skills course at least three days a week or attend a mainstream school (1-1 support). They should have an EHC plan or be in receipt of high needs funding.
The children should NOT require more than ONE TO ONE supervision.
It is the parent’s responsibility to transport the children to and from the venue.
Each child will be individually assessed for their care needs. If it is considered that these needs cannot be met safely within the scheme, the child will not be eligible.
Children in a wheelchair must be able to be assisted by a single staff member on and off the bus. They must be able to weight bear. Both the staff and the child’s safety must be paramount at all times.
Pegasus will take full responsibility for the children during the hours of the scheme. These times must be strictly adhered to.
All children new to the scheme will be accepted on a 3-day trial to assess their needs and that they fit the eligibility of the scheme.
All fees need to be paid by the date stated in the application pack. No refunds will be given for absences due to sickness or appointments.
3. Accident and Illness procedure policy
A First Aid kit will be taken on all off-site visits or outings. This is the responsibility of the Group Leader/first aider in the group.
Minor accidents or injuries to a child, young person, staff member or volunteer attending the playscheme
- If an accident or injury occurs to a play scheme attendee, a staff member must stay with the injured person and escort them to the Group Leader
- The Group Leader, in consultation with the First-Aider in the group, will decide on action
- If the Group Leader is involved in the accident or is injured then the Assistant Leader will take their place and follow the procedure
- An accident form must be completed and handed to the Manager as soon as possible but ideally no more than 1 hour after the accident. The group leader in all circumstances will make a phone call to the manager to inform them of what has happened
- A note must be sent to parents telling them of the accident on the day it occurs – this can be written in the child’s home contact book – a parent/carer will need to sign the accident form. The Group leader in consultation with the Manager should do this.
The Manager has the responsibility of checking these procedures are followed.
Major accidents or injuries to a child, young person, staff member or volunteer attending the play scheme
- The staff member or volunteer with the injured person must stay with them and send a message to the group leader for additional help
- The group leader must ensure that a staff member is responsible for the remaining children before going to the injured child
- If any injury occurs in the group room, the Group Leader should ensure that other children and volunteers are moved away from the accident and are in the care of another staff member
- The Group Leader should assess the injury, with the help of any First-Aider present and get a message to the Managers immediately
- The injured person should not be moved without the consent of the first aider’s advice
- The 1st aider will decide on the action, which could include taking the child to a hospital or calling an ambulance
The Managers will make contact with the parents and arrange for them to come andcollect or to meet the child at the hospital- If the child has to go to a hospital, it is essential that the “Consent to Treatment” form should go along with the child
The Managers must ensure if the child needs to go to a hospital that sufficient responsible staffs are left with the group and a responsible staff member travels with the injured partyThe Managers should call other committee members for help or cover is necessary- It is the responsibility of the Managers to communicate to the
parents, when contacted, the nature and extent of the injury, even if this means a home visit - An accident form must be completed as soon as possible but at the latest by the end of the day in which the accident occurs
- The Group leader should prepare a written account of the accident and action taken for the parents. This should be completed on the day in which the accident occurs.
There may be occasions when a child is not so ill as to require medical care but nevertheless attending Pegasus would be unsuitable. If a child arrives at the setting and the Group Leader does not consider him/her well enough to attend, the parent/carers will be advised accordingly. We will make every effort to stop the spread of infection within the setting but can only do this with the co-operation of parent/carers. Here is a list of the most common childhood ailments that are infectious and we have included the recommended exclusion period.
- Coughs, colds and sore throats – we appreciate that children often pick up cold viruses without being ill and accept they do not need to stay away from the setting, however, if they have a raised temperature, continued
cough , or are unable to eat, then exclusion will be necessary. - Any child with sickness or diarrhoea must be kept away from the setting for at least 48 hours after the last episode of sickness and/or diarrhoea
- Conjunctivitis – any child with symptoms of conjunctivitis must be kept away until eyes have stopped discharging. Medication is usually necessary.
- Temperatures – any child with a raised temperature, even if not accompanied by any other symptoms, should be kept away.
Action for staff If a child becomes unwell during a session, make them comfortable in a quiet place and keep under observation, noting any changes in condition. Very sick children will not be left unattended. If there is a danger of vomiting, give a bowl or bucket. Contact the child’s parent/carer and give them precise details of the child’s condition. Discuss with them the best course of action, e.g. to collect the child. Ask the parent/carer to keep them at home until s/he has recovered. If a parent/carer says that their child has been unwell but now seems to have recovered, ask for exact details, remind them that our policy is to ask them not to send a child to the setting for 48 hours after the final episode.
Serious illness
If a child should suddenly become seriously ill during the duration of the group, we will immediately seek medical attention.
The following incidents will be reported to
- Accidents resulting in the death of any person
- Accidents resulting in serious specified injuries to any person Non-fatal accidents requiring hospital treatment to any person. A record will be kept, which will include the date and method of reporting, the date, time and place of the event, the personal details of those involved and a brief description of the nature of the event or disease.
This will be reported in the incident book. As well as reporting the outbreak to
4. Medication Policy
- Any medication to be administered during the scheme requires a doctor to have signed the appropriate form
- The medicine should be brought in to the scheme in the original prescribed bottle or box with a named prescription label attached to it
- The parent/carer should sign the medicine in and out at the front desk daily
- The Group Leader is responsible for the medication and must sign it out from the front desk each day and sign it back in at the end of the day
- The Group Leader must keep signed records of the administration of any medicine, including a witness
In some circumstances, children may need none prescribed medicine to enable them to enjoy the day. These medicines will require the parent/carer to sign in the medicine to the front desk and fill in a short-term medicine form.
5. Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Pegasus Playscheme believes that children and young people thrive in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them. They are free to develop their play and social skills without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else.In order to achieve this:
- All staff will provide a positive model for the children with regard to friendliness, care and courtesy
- Playscheme staff will praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share
When children behave in unacceptable ways:
- Physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking, will be neither used nor threatened
- Children will never be sent out of the room by themselves
- Where appropriate, a period of time out may be used with a staff member and with consultation with parents/carers
- If it is deemed that a child has seriously misbehaved, the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes will be made clear immediately, but by means of explanations, rather than personal blame
- In the case of misbehaviour, it will always be made clear to the child or children in question, that it is the behaviour and not the child, which is unwelcome
- Adults will not raise their voices in a threatening way
- Playscheme staff will make themselves aware of, and respect, a range of cultural expectations regarding interactions between people
- Any behaviour problems will be handled in a developmentally appropriate fashion, respecting individual children’s level of understanding and maturity
- Recurring problems will be tackled by the Playscheme partnership with the child’s parents/carers
- Staff will be aware that some kinds of behaviour may arise from a child’s special needs
- Staff will make sure that all volunteers are made aware of the contents of this policy.
Any behaviour, which requires physical restraint of the child/young person, will not be accepted on this scheme, in line with our criteria. Any behaviour that requires more than 1-1 support to be dealt with efficiently will not be accepted on this scheme, in line with our criteria
6. Bullying Policy
Bullying is the deliberate hurting, persecuting or intimidating of a weaker person and is completely against the values of Pegasus. Bullying can be physical or psychological and is a matter taken very seriously by the Pegasus. The aim of Pegasus is to project this anti-bullying message to all:
Parents/guardians are requested to report any concerns to a member of staff as laid down in the Compliment & Complaint Policy. Procedures to follow: Any member of staff made aware of bullying must give a written report to the Managers. A number of strategies may then be followed (a record will be kept at each stage) The children/child involved will be taken aside and spoken to separately. A meeting between the bully/bullies and victim/victims may take place to resolve the problem. If the bullying reoccurs then the parents of the bully and victim will be informed of the incident and the action to date that Pegasus has taken. Pegasus will work in partnership with the parent/carer to help change the unacceptable behaviour. If the bullying continues the offending child will be excluded from the scheme. The above procedures also apply to racial harassment.
This policy applies to all involved in the scheme.
7. Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedure Policy
Pegasus Playscheme believes that children have the right to be completely secured from both the fear and reality of abuse, and we are committed to protecting all the children in our care from harm.
Pegasus will appoint a member of staff as the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead). This Officer will have suitable experience, training and expertise, and will be responsible for liaising with social services, Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Ofsted in any child protection matter.
Pegasus playscheme’s child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and other guidance or advice from the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) formally known as the Area Child Protection Committees (ACPC).
Pegasus is committed to reviewing its Safeguarding Children/Child Protection policy and procedures at regular intervals. The policy and its procedures will be shared with parents/carers on the website.
Recognising Child Abuse
Child abuse manifests itself in a variety of different ways, some overt and others much less so. Most staff has child protection training and will be vigilant to signs and evidence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect.
Physical Abuse: This involves hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, suffocating or any other physical harm. Deliberately causing a child’s ill health also constitutes physical abuse.
Sexual Abuse: This involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts. Showing children pornographic materials, sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways also constitutes sexual abuse.
Emotional abuse: Varying degrees of emotional abuse is present in virtually all child protection incidents, but can also constitute abuse in its own right. Emotional abuse involves persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or torture causing, or likely to cause, severe adverse effects on the emotional stability of a child. Such behaviour may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved, or inadequate, or making them feel unnecessarily frightened or vulnerable.
Neglect: Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical, emotional or psychological needs, such as is likely to have a severe impact on their health, development or emotional stability. Neglect may involve failing to provide adequate food, shelter or clothing for a child, or failing to adequately protect them from physical harm or ill health Neglect can also manifest itself in a failure to meet the basic emotional needs of the child.
Staff Support and Training
Pegasus is committed to ensuring that it meets its responsibilities in respect of child protection through the provision of support and training to staff. Therefore, Pegasus will ensure that:
- All staff are carefully recruited, have a verified reference and have full and up to date Criminal Record Bureau checks (DBS). Those who are awaiting their DBS checks will not be left alone with a child
- Volunteers and helpers are never left alone with a child
- All staff and volunteers are given a copy of the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection policy during their
training, and have its implications explained to them - All staff are provided with supervision and management support commensurate with their responsibilities in relation to child protection, and their requirement to maintain caring and safe relationships with children
- All staff are aware of the main indicators of child abuse
- All staff are aware of their statutory requirements in respect of the disclosure or discovery of child abuse and the procedure for doing so. All students and volunteers are instructed to report the disclosure or discovery of abuse to the Manager
- Pegasus will take appropriate action in relation to the findings of
any investigation into allegations of abuse, consistent with its duties to protect the safety of children andup hold fair processes for staff, volunteers and committee members - Any member of staff, volunteer or committee member under investigation for the alleged abuse of a child, will be subject to the provisions of the Staff Disciplinary Procedures policy.
Safe Caring
All staff understands Pegasus’ child protection procedures and has had appropriate training and guidance in the principles of safe caring.
To this end:
- Every effort will be made to avoid or minimise time when members of staff are left alone with a child. If staff are alone with a child, the door of the room should be kept open and another member of staff should be informed and be within a close distance
- If a child makes inappropriate physical contact with a member of staff or volunteer, this will be recorded fully in the Incident Record Book
- Staff will never carry out a personal task for children that they can do for themselves. Where this is essential, staff will help a child whilst being accompanied by a colleague. Unless a child has a particular need, staff should not accompany children into the toilet. Staff are aware that this and other similar activities could be misconstrued.
- Staff will be mindful of how and where they touch children, given their age and emotional understanding. Unnecessary or potentially inappropriate physical contact will be avoided at all times
- All allegations made by a child against a member of staff will be fully recorded, including any actions taken, in the Incident Record Book. In the event of there being a witness to an incident, they should sign the records to confirm this.
Dealing with Allegations
Pegasus is committed to ensuring that it meets its responsibilities in respect of child protection by treating any allegation seriously and sensitively. Pegasus will not carry out any investigation itself into a suspected child abuse incident. On discovering an allegation of abuse, the DSL will immediately refer the case to the local statutory child protection agencies.
Further to this, the following principles will govern any suspected or reported case of abuse:
- Where actual or suspected abuse comes to the attention of staff, they will report this to the DSL or acting manager at the earliest possible opportunity
- Staff are encouraged and supported to trust their professional judgment and if they suspect abuse
has, or is taking place, to report this - Full written records of all reported incidents will be produced and maintained. Information recorded will include full details of the alleged incident; details of all the parties involved; any evidence or explanations offered by interested parties; relevant dates, times and locations and any supporting information or evidence from members of staff. Pegasus will demonstrate great care in distinguishing between fact and opinion when recording suspected incidents of child abuse
- The DSL will be responsible for ensuring that written records are dated, signed and kept confidentially
- If an allegation of abuse is made against the DSL; the Registered Person will be informed as soon as possible. They will then assume responsibility for the situation or delegate this role to a senior member of staff
- Staff will ensure that all concerns and allegations are treated with sensitivity and confidentiality
Any children involved in alleged incidents will be comforted and reassured.
In circumstances where a child makes an allegation or
- Listen fully to the entire child has to say
- Make no observable judgement
- Ask open questions that encourage the child to speak in their own words
- Ensure the child is safe, comfortable and not left alone
- Make no promises that cannot be kept; such as promising not to tell anybody what they are being told
- Where possible, Pegasus will always respect the wishes of children and young people who do not consent to share confidential information. However, the lack of consent can be overridden if the facts of the case are in the public interest
- Pegasus will always consider the safety and welfare of a child or young person when making decisions to share information about them. Where there is concern that the child is suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm, the child’s safety and welfare must be the overriding factor
- Staff will be made aware of the latest guidelines in keeping children safe from harm
Referring Allegations to Child Protection Agencies
If the manager or the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer has reasonable grounds for believing that a child has been – or is in grave danger of being – subject to abuse, the following procedure will be activated:
- Contact will be made, at the earliest possible opportunity, with the local social services department
- The manager or the Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer will communicate as much information about the allegation and related incidents as is consistent with
advice given by social services and the police. - At all times, the safety, protection and interests of children concerned will take precedence. The manager and staff will work with and support parents/carers as far as they are legally able
- Pegasus will assist social services and the police, as far as it is able, during
any investigation of abuse or neglect. This will include disclosing written and verbal information and evidence - Ofsted will be informed of any allegations of abuse against a member of staff, child or volunteer, or any abuse that is alleged to have taken place on the premises or during a visit or outing.
Contact details:
OFSTED: Tel – 0300 123 4666
Website: www.ofsted.gov.uk
E-mail: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
8.Collection Policy
All children must be collected promptly from Pegasus at the end of each session.
Only persons named on the registration forms may collect the child unless otherwise stated via drop off in the morning or with a letter If the child is not collected within ten minutes of the close of the session the emergency contact number, stated on the registration form, will be contacted.
If a parent/guardian is continually late collecting their child it could lead to exclusion from Pegasus.
No child will ever be left unsupervised by the staff if a parent/guardian does not turn up for whatever reason.
9.Compliments and Complaints Policy
Pegasus Playscheme offers a warm welcome to all children and families and by working in partnership with parents/carers provides a warm, caring environment, where children can learn and develop as they play. Suggestions on how to improve the provision in the scheme are welcomed. At the end of the scheme each parent/carer, staff member and volunteer are offered the opportunity to fill in an evaluation questionnaire.
Making a Complaint
Any parent/carer who wants to make a complaint about any aspect of the playschemes provision should talk over any worries and anxieties with the Group Leader or Managers.
The Group Leader or Managers will communicate a detailed response, including any actions to be taken, to the Managers, Committee and the parents concerned within five working days. Ofsted will be informed of any complaints at this stage.
The Group Leader/Managers may arrange to meet the child and parent and any other relevant individuals, to discuss the complaint and his/her response to it. The Group Leader/Managers will judge if it is best for all parties to meet together or if individual meetings are more appropriate. Either party may need to consider consulting an external mediator who is acceptable to both parties and will offer support and advice. Any mediator must ensure discussions are kept confidential. A formal response to the complaint will be sent to the child, parent or staff member concerned and copied to all relevant members of staff if appropriate. The response will include recommendations for dealing with the complaint. If there is no satisfactory outcome, or the problem recurs, the parent/carer should:
OFSTED: Tel – 0300 123 4666
Website: www.ofsted.gov.uk
E-mail: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
Or the Chairperson of Pegasus Playscheme
Mrs Sue Clark
Collingwood Road
St Margarets–at–Cliffe
CT15 6EX
Most problems should be resolved informally at this stage. The complainant will be notified, in writing, of the outcome of the investigation within 5 days of receiving the complaint. With the agreement of the complainant, the period for resolution may be extended by up to a further 10 days, if necessary.
If a serious complaint is received which requires external intervention, e.g. a safeguarding children issue, the Group Leader and/or Managers will suspend all dialogue and internal investigation, contact the appropriate external agency (e.g. Social Services, Police etc.) and await further instructions from the said external agency.
10. Confidentiality Policy
Pegasus’ work with children and families will sometimes bring us into contact with confidential information.
To ensure that all who use, and work in, the group can do so in confidence, confidentiality will be respected in the following ways:
- Group Leaders and Assistant Group Leaders will have access to all forms for children and volunteers but will not disclose any information to anyone else and will safeguard this information
- Group leaders will make sure that non-confidential details of the children in their group are displayed so that Volunteers know the needs of the child they are working with
- Staff should not discuss individual children outside of the scheme
- Information given by parents/carers to the Group Leader should not be passed to other adults without permission
- Issues to do with the employment of staff should remain confidential to the Staff co-coordinator and Committee members, if required
- Information on children attending the Playscheme will only be shared with parents, other than if staff have safeguarding concerns and need to report in line with the Child Protection Policy
- No phones will be used during the scheme accept the phones supplied for the group leaders
- Anyone employed by Pegasus, Committee, Staff, Volunteers are prohibited from sharing clients names, pictures or personal information on any form of social media.
11. Daily Routine Policy
All children and young people are required to be signed in at the front desk daily by an adult.
Each child should be supplied daily with a packed lunch with a non-fizzy drink, sun cream and spare clothes.
If needed nappies and wipes and nappy bags will also be supplied daily by the parent/carer. Groups will leave for their designated activity by at least 10 am and return by 3 pm. If they are going to be late, a phone call to the desk will be made. Each group will take out 2 bottles of made up squash, cups, wipes, snacks, kitchen towel, I pad, speaker, activities for the day.
Each group will complete a daily register for children, volunteers and staff and present this to the desk when they leave for the day.
Each Group Leader will be in charge of the group folder with all appropriate forms in for the children and volunteers, group budget, medication and risk assessments Each group will only use the camera supplied by Pegasus and hand in the memory card at the end
12. Equal Opportunities Policy
We recognise that all adults and young children on the scheme are of equal worth regardless of cultural/ethnic background, religion, social circumstances, gender, ability and disability. The activities and
This policy essentially and very significantly contributes to the five purposes of the Scheme’s policies by:
- Enabling the scheme to both maintain and raise standards
- Establishing an entitlement for all clients
- Establishing expectations for
staff of this policy - Promoting continuity and coherence across the Scheme
- Stating the Scheme’s approaches to equal opportunities in order to promote public and particularly parents’ and carers’, understanding of the aims of the scheme.
In order to make access to the whole scheme a reality for all clients, we need to foster a climate in which equality of opportunity is supported and in which positive attitudes to equality are actively promoted. By considering the points listed below, this Scheme seeks to identify themes and issues that will remain with children into their adult lives.
The Scheme’s aims are to: Provide equal access to the whole range of activities for all attendees. Include opportunities to work in a variety of groupings undertaking a variety of roles including leadership, within those groupings. Have equal access to equipment and resources including practical equipment, transport and information and communication technology (where applicable). Give clients access to questions, instructions and staff response.
The Scheme’s aims are to:
- Prepare children for life in a culturally diverse society.
- Provide an informed and balanced multi-cultural range of experiences.
- Ensure that bilingual pupils gain access to the whole range of activities.
Religion (Where applicable)
The Scheme’s aims are to:
- Inform children objectively about a variety of world religions and related issues.
- Ensure that religious observances can be met within the activities and timetable of the day.
Social Circumstances
The Scheme recognises that our catchment area draws children from broadly similar social backgrounds.
The Scheme’s aim is to create a caring Scheme ethos where all individuals are treated with respect so that children are not disadvantaged by their financial, social or other circumstances.
The Scheme’s aims are to:
- Welcome and include children and adults with disabilities.
- Educate all children, staff and adults to an understanding of the needs, feelings and rights of disabled people and an avoidance of negative assumptions and the promotion of positive attitudes.
Scheme Uniform
The Scheme uniform is designed to ensure that it is accessible to all and there is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, social circumstances, religion or cultural diversity.
Equal Opportunities must be part of the whole Scheme ethos. The planned timetable of activities accurately reflects a diverse society and challenge prejudice. We are aware that only a very small proportion of our children come from ethnically diverse backgrounds and the Scheme may be one of the places where children are exposed to informed and balanced multi-cultural experiences. It is therefore very important that we use every opportunity to enrich our Scheme life with a range of multi-cultural aspects of experience.
Resources will be chosen that reveal positive images of individuals, groups and cultures which may not normally be represented, but whose inclusion would add to a wider, truer vision of society as a whole.
The informal activities provided include all other aspects of Scheme life and covers areas such as children’s behaviour and attitudes towards each other and between staff and children. It also concerns leading using a range of styles, access to information and resources and organisation in the classrooms and in the Scheme in general.
We need to be sensitive to the fact that not all children will share the same beliefs as the main Scheme culture.
Staff need to be vigilant in monitoring the assumptions and organisational structures that limit or deny children’s realisation of their potential.
There are many ways to demonstrate our commitment to equal opportunity. Some examples are listed below: Encouraging children to be flexible and democratic in their group. Registers to be arranged alphabetically. Monitoring the use of facilities to ensure equal access. Inviting all children to perform tasks such as moving equipment, tidying duties and supporting at Scheme functions. Ensuring that all children are encouraged to take part in activities and that these are designed to be accessible to all i.e. swimming.
Activity Organisation
Equal Opportunity is a dimension of the scheme that not only pervades the entire Timetable of activities and our delivery of it, but also requires specific guidance.
Examples of good practice could include:
- Providing resources and books with a range of genders/races etc.
- The understanding of stereotypes.
- Ensuring that Scheme trips are accessible to all
Although not formally assessed we continually monitor and review Equal Opportunities on the Scheme. Consideration will be given to areas such as activities and staff development involving self-assessment to raise awareness. We also need to make use of initial assessments of ability when planning activity timetables and in comparing the success of groups of children as they undertake these. Differences in the performance of boys and girls in particular activities will be monitored. Any relevant information will then be used to shape future planning.
Admissions to the Scheme will be monitored to ensure that linguistic, cultural, ethnic or gender considerations do not form part of the admissions criteria. Parental concerns expressed to the Scheme regarding any equal opportunity issue will be collated and acted upon accordingly.
Special Educational Needs
We recognise the close relationship between Special Educational Needs and equal opportunities in terms of entitlement to the planned timetable of activities and resources and equipment. Children will have activities planned, which match their ability and gives them access to take part.
Appointments and Promotions
The Scheme’s policy on Equal Opportunities will be made clear to all parents/carers, displayed on our website and shared with potential applicants, new staff and committee members.
- Health and Safety Policy
The Pegasus Playscheme accepts its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, the Health and Safety of its employees and of persons other than employees who may be affected by its activities.
Particular attention is paid to the provision of:
- Equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
- Safe arrangements for the use, handing, storage and transport of articles and substances.
- Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety at work
- A safe place of work without risk to health and with safe access to and from it
- A working environment which is safe and without risk to health
- Adequate welfare facilities
- As well as daily risk assessments within the Playscheme venue, risk assessments will also be carried out and the appropriate risk assessment form completed for any trips/swimming trips that the children attend
- All adults will be aware of the system(s) in operation for the arrival and departure of children, and an adult will be at the front desk during these periods • A safety check on premises, both indoor and outdoor will be made
- All dangerous materials, including medicines and cleaning materials, will be stored out of reach of children
- Children will not have unsupervised access to kitchens, cookers or any cupboards storing hazardous materials including matches
- A correctly stocked first aid box will be available at all times
Where accidents at work and occupational ill health occur, their cause will be examined to try to prevent
The Pegasus Playscheme reminds its employees of their own duties under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work act to take care of their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work, and to co-operate with the Pegasus Playscheme Committee in meeting its responsibilities.
A copy of this statement is issued to all employees. It will be reviewed, added to and or modified as necessary. It is supplemented by further statements and guidelines of practice relating to the work of the Playscheme.
- Staff Disciplinary Procedure
Purpose and Scope
Pegasus Playscheme’s aim is to ensure the highest level of individual conduct or performance in its Playscheme staff. This procedure sets out the action, which will be taken when disciplinary rules are breached.
a) Due to the short nature of the play scheme the procedure is designed to establish the facts quickly and to deal consistently with disciplinary issues. No disciplinary action will be taken until the matter has been fully investigated;
b) At every stage the staff member will be informed in writing of what is alleged and have the opportunity to state his/her case at a disciplinary meeting with representatives of the Playscheme Committee and be represented or accompanied – if they wish – by a person of their choice.
c) The staff member has the right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty.
The Procedure
Stage 1 – first written warning
If conduct or performance is unsatisfactory, the staff member will be given a written warning. Such warnings will be recorded but disregarded after three days of satisfactory service. The staff member will also be informed that a final written warning may be considered if there is no sustained satisfactory improvement or change. (Where the first offence is sufficiently serious, for example because it is having, or is likely to have, a serious harmful effect on the organisation, Playscheme or the children, it may be justifiable to move directly to a final written warning.)
Stage 2 – final written warning
If the offence is serious, or there is no improvement in standards, or if a further offence of a similar kind occurs, a final written warning will be given which will include the reason for the warning and a note that if no improvement results within three days action at Stage 3 will be taken.
Stage 3 – dismissal or action short of dismissal
If the conduct or performance has failed to improve, the staff member may suffer dismissal.
Gross misconduct If, after investigation, it is confirmed that the staff member has committed an offence of the following nature (the list is not exhaustive), the normal consequence will be dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice:
physical or verbal abuse
Damage to property
Incapacity for work due to being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs Physical violence, bullying and gross insubordination. While the alleged gross misconduct is being investigated, the staff member may be suspended. Any decision to dismiss will be taken by the Staff Coordinator in conversation with the committee only after full investigation.
A staff member who wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision must do so to the Chairman of the committee within five working days. The Chairman will hear the appeal and decide the case as impartially as possible.
16 Volunteer Disciplinary Procedures
In order to maintain an up to date record of volunteer effectiveness and progress there should be:
- An informal, daily verbal assessment of performance at the end of each session. Any issues should be discussed with the volunteer coordinator If there is a serious incident or on-going examples of neglect and ineffectiveness (over 2/3 days), the Group Leader MUST speak privately with the volunteer to inform them of their misconduct and refer them to their previously signed Code of Conduct. This interview must also be reported to the Volunteer Coordinator.
If there is any reoccurrence of unsuitable behaviour, the volunteer will be sent to the Volunteer coordinator for an informal interview. The volunteer will have the opportunity to present their side of the situation (in case there are any unknown/serious implications). The Volunteer coordinator will inform the individual of the unsuitability of their behaviour and provide pointers/advice for future acceptable behaviour. The volunteer will be given an OFFICIAL WARNING; any relevant information will be reported to the committee.
If there are further reoccurrences of the misconduct, the volunteer will be asked to leave the scheme, for the sake of the children, the group and the successful running of the scheme. If there is to be
- Volunteer Code of Conduct
As a Volunteer for Pegasus I agree to follow and abide by the Code of Conduct as set out below:
Please Read carefully
- Your allocated child is your priority at all times. Never leave a child unattended
- Recognise the importance of Fun and Enjoyment giving positive direction to every child
- Recognise that safety is paramount at all times
- You must wear Suitable Clothing, i.e.: no flip flops, high heels/wedges or inappropriate footwear, No hot pants to be worn. Pegasus t-shirt must be worn
- Be a positive Role Model, set an example by being constructive and encouraging. Treat others with Respect. Expect to be treated with Respect
- Look to self-improvement. (I.e.: aim for volunteer of the Week, Scheme)
- Be aware and abide by Pegasus Child Protection Policy, Safeguarding & Equality and Anti-bullying Policies
- Bullying will not be tolerated/Including Cyber bullying. You will be asked to leave the scheme
- Try to understand the physical difficulties of your child, appreciate the needs of each child
- No offensive language will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the scheme
- Pegasus operates a Non smoking, No alcohol, (This is vital at the end of year Ball). No mobile phone, No iPod policy, during the hours of the scheme. Inappropriate use of the Internet other than feedback on our website/Facebook/twitter page will not be tolerated
- Whether you are on or off base, please remember you are representing Pegasus
- Treat all equipment with respect
- Be prepared to be flexible. Hours are 9.15am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday, and you must attend Volunteer meetings on Friday at 3.40pm any misconduct will be dealt with immediately by the volunteer coordinator. It may result in you being asked to leave the scheme.
- Toileting Procedure
All staff will have a full DBS check before starting the scheme. No volunteers will be responsible for taking the children to the toilet at all. If a nappy or sanitary products need to be changed, 2 staff members will take the child to the toilet.
When taking the whole group to the toilet:
- All children will use separate cubicles
- Volunteers will stand outside of the toilet but be on hand to be back in charge of the child once they have finished
to support with hand washing. - Boys may use the men’s toilet but staff must ensure that the toilets are free from the public before use.
- A radar key will be provided to the groups for the use of the disabled toilets at venues. All staff will remain vigilant when using public toilets and the child’s safety is paramount at all times.
- Equipment and Cleaning Procedure
Pegasus Playscheme is now lucky enough to own almost all of the equipment we provide for the children to use.
Please use the equipment safely. Some equipment may require supervision by staff/volunteers. Staff or volunteers must supervise children on bikes. Children must wear helmets when using the bikes. Cleaning: Times have been allocated at the end of each day for staff to clean up and prepare for the next day.
Cleaning equipment is available for each group and is kept in the locked kitchen which staff has access to. All necessary cleaning of the rooms and equipment must be done daily. Careful storage of the equipment after use, in a clean
- Minibus Emergency Procedure
In the event of an accident or breakdown, the following procedure must be followed:
- Ensure at all times, the children are in a safe place, supervised by a competent member of staff
- Telephone the
Manger promptly at the venue: 07789696358 - Explain the
proble clearly and advise the supervisor of the nature of assistance required - When possible, a relief minibus will be sent to pick up the group.
In extreme emergencies, telephone the Emergency Services on 999 or 112
- Lost child procedure
It is the policy of this committee to ensure all children are kept safe and well. Set out below are procedures to follow if a child was to be separated from the group when on an outing
- A register is taken daily and all children must be signed in first thing in the morning
- The children will be counted at regular intervals during the day
- Each child will be designated a 1-1 for the day
- Before leaving for an outing the volunteers will be aware of whom they are looking after
- All children will be counted on and off the bus
- On arrival at the
destination the group leader will designate a meeting point in case anyone gets separated from the group - All staff and volunteers must make sure no child becomes separated from them Should the worst happen and a child does become lost search the immediate area, ensuring the other children are appropriately staffed and inform the parents and police immediately.
Report to Ofsted: 08456 404040, ref EY272268
- Horse Riding Procedure
Group Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Volunteers are responsible for their children at all times. The responsibility does not lie with the riding school for our children
- Please wear sensible footwear on the days when the children are riding i.e. not sandals
- If you do not like horses or suffer from any allergy connected with them, please tell us before we embark on the riding trip.
- There must be TWO helpers with the child at ALL TIMES whilst mounted on the horse
- The leader of the horse or pony must be a member of the riding school staff
- Children taking part in riding MUST wear a safety hat at all times and also correct footwear. Wellingtons with a heel are ideal, as they will not slip through the stirrups (A note to parents the day before would be beneficial.)
Please do not walk behind the horses or ponies with the children.
It is vital that staff understand that the children’s safety is paramount on these occasions as is their own. If these simple guidelines are adhered to, the children should enjoy the activity and it should remain
13. Fire Procedure Policy
- On discovering a fire, immediately inform the Manager who will sound the alarm (a whistle blown in short blasts) and phone the fire brigade
- On hearing the fire alarm (whistle) – calmly but quickly leave the building by the nearest door. Closing doors and windows as you leave
- Make your way to the assembly point. The far side of the
play ground in front of the main building - Each group leader is responsible for checking that children, volunteers and staff in their group are present. In the event of a missing person tell the Manager immediately so that the fire brigade can be informed
- On no account should anyone re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so by the
fire fighter in charge - A fire drill will take place within the first week of the scheme to ensure all attendees understand this procedure.
14. Health and Safety Policy
The Pegasus Playscheme accepts its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation to ensure, as far as is reasonably
Particular attention is paid to the provision of:
- Equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
- Safe arrangements for the use,
handing , storage and transport of articles and substances. - Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety at work
- A safe place of work without risk to health and with safe access to and from it
- A working environment which is safe and without risk to health
- Adequate welfare facilities
- As well as daily risk assessments within the Playscheme venue, risk assessments will also be carried out and the appropriate risk assessment form completed for any trips/swimming trips that the children attend
- All adults will be aware of the system(s) in operation for the arrival and departure of children, and an adult will be at the front desk during these periods • A safety check on premises, both indoor and outdoor will be made
- All dangerous materials, including medicines and cleaning materials, will be stored out of reach of children
- Children will not have unsupervised access to kitchens, cookers or any cupboards storing hazardous materials including matches
- A correctly stocked first aid box will be available at all times
Where accidents at work and occupational ill health occur, their cause will be examined to try to prevent
The Pegasus Playscheme reminds its employees of their own duties under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work act to take care of their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at
A copy of this statement is issued to all employees. It will be reviewed, added to and or modified as necessary. It is supplemented by further statements and guidelines of practice relating to the work of the Playscheme.
- Volunteer Code of Conduct
As a Volunteer for Pegasus I agree to follow and abide by the Code of Conduct as set out below:
Please Read carefully
- Your allocated child is your priority at all times. Never leave a child unattended
- Recognise the importance of Fun and Enjoyment giving positive direction to every child
- Recognise that safety is paramount at all times
- You must wear Suitable Clothing, i.e.: no
flip flops , high heels/wedges or inappropriate footwear, No hot pants to be worn. Pegasus t-shirt must be worn - Be a positive Role Model, set an example by being constructive and encouraging. Treat others with Respect. Expect to be treated with Respect
- Look to self-improvement. (I.e.: aim for volunteer of the Week, Scheme)
- Be aware and abide by Pegasus Child Protection Policy, Safeguarding & Equality and Anti-bullying Policies
- Bullying will not be tolerated/Including
Cyber bullying . You will be asked to leave the scheme - Try to understand the physical difficulties of your child, appreciate the needs of each child
- No offensive language will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the scheme
- Pegasus operates
a , No alcohol, (This is vital at the end of year Ball). No mobile phone, No iPod policy, during the hours of the scheme. Inappropriate use of the Internet other than feedback on our website/Facebook/Non smokingtwitter page will not be tolerated - Whether you are on or off base, please remember you are representing Pegasus
- Treat all equipment with respect
- Be prepared to be flexible. Hours are 9.15am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday, and you must attend Volunteer meetings on Friday at 3.40pm any misconduct will be dealt with immediately by the volunteer coordinator. It may result in you being asked to leave the scheme.
- Toileting Procedure
All staff will have a full DBS check before starting the scheme. No volunteers will be responsible for taking the children to the toilet at all. If a nappy or sanitary products need to be changed, 2 staff members will take the child to the toilet.
When taking the whole group to the toilet:
- All children will use separate cubicles
- Volunteers will stand outside of the toilet but be on hand to be back in charge of the child once they have finished
to support with hand washing. - Boys may use the men’s toilet but staff must ensure that the toilets are free from the public before use.
- A radar key will be provided to the groups for the use of the disabled toilets at venues. All staff will remain vigilant when using public toilets and the child’s safety is paramount at all times.
- Equipment and Cleaning Procedure
Pegasus Playscheme is now lucky enough to own almost all of the equipment we provide for the children to use.
Please use the equipment safely. Some equipment may require supervision by staff/volunteers. Staff or volunteers must supervise children on bikes. Children must wear helmets when using the bikes. Cleaning: Times have been allocated at the end of each day for staff to clean up and prepare for the next day.
Cleaning equipment is available for each group and is kept in the locked kitchen which staff has access to. All necessary cleaning of the rooms and equipment must be done daily. Careful storage of the equipment after use, in a clean
- Minibus Emergency Procedure
In the event of an accident or breakdown, the following procedure must be followed:
- Ensure at all times, the children are in a safe place, supervised by a competent member of staff
- Telephone the
Manger promptly at the venue: 07789696358 - Explain the
proble clearly and advise the supervisor of the nature of assistance required - When possible, a relief minibus will be sent to pick up the group.
In extreme emergencies, telephone the Emergency Services on 999 or 112
- Lost child procedure
It is the policy of this committee to ensure all children are kept safe and well. Set out below are procedures to follow if a child was to be separated from the group when on an outing
- A register is taken daily and all children must be signed in first thing in the morning
- The children will be counted at regular intervals during the day
- Each child will be designated a 1-1 for the day
- Before leaving for an outing the volunteers will be aware of whom they are looking after
- All children will be counted on and off the bus
- On arrival at the
destination the group leader will designate a meeting point in case anyone gets separated from the group - All staff and volunteers must make sure no child becomes separated from them Should the worst happen and a child does become lost search the immediate area, ensuring the other children are appropriately staffed and inform the parents and police immediately.
Report to Ofsted: 08456 404040, ref EY272268
- Horse Riding Procedure
Group Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Volunteers are responsible for their children at all times. The responsibility does not lie with the riding school for our children
- Please wear sensible footwear on the days when the children are riding i.e. not sandals
- If you do not like horses or suffer from any allergy connected with them, please tell us before we embark on the riding trip.
- There must be TWO helpers with the child at ALL TIMES whilst mounted on the horse
- The leader of the horse or pony must be a member of the riding school staff
- Children taking part in riding MUST wear a safety hat at all times and also correct footwear. Wellingtons with a heel are ideal, as they will not slip through the stirrups (A note to parents the day before would be beneficial.)
Please do not walk behind the horses or ponies with the children.
It is vital that staff understand that the children’s safety is paramount on these occasions as is their own. If these simple guidelines are adhered to, the children should enjoy the activity and it should remain
15. Staff Disciplinary Procedure
Purpose and Scope
Pegasus Playscheme’s aim is to ensure the highest level of individual conduct or performance in its Playscheme staff. This procedure sets out the action, which will be taken when disciplinary rules are breached.
a) Due to the short nature of the
b) At every stage, the staff member will be informed in writing of what is alleged and have the opportunity to state his/her case at a disciplinary meeting with representatives of the Playscheme Committee and be represented or accompanied – if they wish – by a person of their choice.
c) The staff member has the right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty.
The Procedure
Stage 1 – first written warning
If conduct or performance is unsatisfactory, the staff member will be given a written warning. Such warnings will be recorded but disregarded after three days of satisfactory service. The staff member will also be informed that a final written warning may be considered if there is no sustained satisfactory improvement or change. (Where the first offence is sufficiently serious, for example, because it is having, or is likely to have, a serious harmful effect on the organisation, Playscheme or the children, it may be justifiable to move directly to a final written warning.)
Stage 2 – final written warning
If the offence is serious, or there is no improvement in standards, or if a further offence of a similar kind occurs, a final written warning will be given which will include the reason for the warning and a note that if no improvement results within three days action at Stage 3 will be taken.
Stage 3 – dismissal or action short of dismissal
If the conduct or performance has failed to improve, the staff member may suffer dismissal.
Gross misconduct If, after investigation, it is confirmed that the staff member has committed an offence of the following nature (the list is not exhaustive), the normal consequence will be dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice:
physical or verbal abuse
Damage to property
Incapacity for work due to being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs Physical violence, bullying and gross insubordination. While the alleged gross misconduct is being investigated, the staff member may be suspended. Any decision to dismiss will be taken by the Staff Coordinator in conversation with the committee only after full investigation.
A staff member who wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision must do so to the Chairman of the committee within five working days. The Chairman will hear the appeal and decide the case as impartially as possible.
16 Volunteer Disciplinary Procedures
In order to maintain an up to date record of volunteer effectiveness and progress there should be:
- An informal, daily verbal assessment of performance at the end of each session. Any issues should be discussed with the volunteer coordinator If there is a serious incident or on-going examples of neglect and ineffectiveness (over 2/3 days), the Group Leader MUST speak privately with the volunteer to inform them of their misconduct and refer them to their previously signed Code of Conduct. This interview must also be reported to the Volunteer Coordinator.
If there is any reoccurrence of unsuitable behaviour, the volunteer will be sent to the Volunteer Coordinator for an informal interview. The volunteer will have the opportunity to present their side of the situation (in case there are any unknown/serious implications). The Volunteer coordinator will inform the individual of the unsuitability of their behaviour and provide pointers/advice for future acceptable behaviour. The volunteer will be given an OFFICIAL WARNING; any relevant information will be reported to the committee.
If there are further reoccurrences of the misconduct, the volunteer will be asked to leave the scheme, for the sake of the children, the group and the successful running of the scheme. If there is to be dismissal of ineffective volunteers, it is important to maintain a bank of volunteers in reserve.
17. Volunteer Code of Conduct
As a Volunteer for Pegasus I agree to follow and abide by the Code of Conduct as set out below:
Please Read carefully
- Your allocated child is your priority at all times. Never leave a child unattended
- Recognise the importance of Fun and Enjoyment giving positive direction to every child
- Recognise that safety is paramount at all times
- You must wear Suitable Clothing, i.e.: no
flip flops , high heels/wedges or inappropriate footwear, No hot pants to be worn. Pegasus t-shirt must be worn - Be a positive Role Model, set an example by being constructive and encouraging. Treat others with Respect. Expect to be treated with Respect
- Look to self-improvement. (I.e.: aim for volunteer of the Week, Scheme)
- Be aware and abide by Pegasus Child Protection Policy, Safeguarding & Equality and Anti-bullying Policies
- Bullying will not be tolerated/Including
Cyber bullying . You will be asked to leave the scheme - Try to understand the physical difficulties of your child, appreciate the needs of each child
- No offensive language will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the scheme
- Pegasus operates
a , No alcohol, (This is vital at the end of year Ball). No mobile phone, No iPod policy, during the hours of the scheme. Inappropriate use of the Internet other than feedback on our website/Facebook/Non smokingtwitter page will not be tolerated - Whether you are on or off base, please remember you are representing Pegasus
- Treat all equipment with respect
- Be prepared to be flexible. Hours are 9.15am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday, and you must attend Volunteer meetings on Friday at 3.40pm any misconduct will be dealt with immediately by the volunteer coordinator. It may result in you being asked to leave the scheme.
- Lost child procedure
It is the policy of this committee to ensure all children are kept safe and well. Set out below are procedures to follow if a child was to be separated from the group when on an outing
- A register is taken daily and all children must be signed in first thing in the morning
- The children will be counted at regular intervals during the day
- Each child will be designated a 1-1 for the day
- Before leaving for an outing the volunteers will be aware of whom they are looking after
- All children will be counted on and off the bus
- On arrival at the
destination the group leader will designate a meeting point in case anyone gets separated from the group - All staff and volunteers must make sure no child becomes separated from them Should the worst happen and a child does become lost search the immediate area, ensuring the other children are appropriately staffed and inform the parents and police immediately.
Report to Ofsted: 08456 404040, ref EY272268
- Horse Riding Procedure
Group Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Volunteers are responsible for their children at all times. The responsibility does not lie with the riding school for our children
- Please wear sensible footwear on the days when the children are riding i.e. not sandals
- If you do not like horses or suffer from any allergy connected with them, please tell us before we embark on the riding trip.
- There must be TWO helpers with the child at ALL TIMES whilst mounted on the horse
- The leader of the horse or pony must be a member of the riding school staff
- Children taking part in riding MUST wear a safety hat at all times and also correct footwear. Wellingtons with a heel are ideal, as they will not slip through the stirrups (A note to parents the day before would be beneficial.)
Please do not walk behind the horses or ponies with the children.
It is vital that staff understand that the children’s safety is paramount on these occasions as is their own. If these simple guidelines are adhered to, the children should enjoy the activity and it should remain
18. Toileting Procedure
All staff will have a full DBS check before starting the scheme. No volunteers will be responsible for taking the children to the toilet at all. If a nappy or sanitary products need to be changed, 2 staff members will take the child to the toilet.
When taking the whole group to the toilet:
- All children will use separate cubicles
- Volunteers will stand outside of the toilet but be on hand to be back in charge of the child once they have finished supporting with hand washing.
- Boys may use the men’s toilet but staff must ensure that the toilets are free from the public before use.
- A radar key will be provided to the groups for the use of the disabled toilets at venues. All staff will remain vigilant when using public toilets and the child’s safety is paramount at all times.
19. Equipment and Cleaning Procedure
Pegasus Playscheme is now lucky enough to own almost all of the equipment we provide for the children to use.
Please use the equipment safely. Some equipment may require supervision by staff/volunteers. Staff or volunteers must supervise children on bikes. Children must wear helmets when using the bikes. Cleaning: Times have been allocated at the end of each day for staff to clean up and prepare for the next day.
Cleaning equipment is available for each group and is kept in the locked kitchen which staff has access to. All necessary cleaning of the rooms and equipment must be done daily. Careful storage of the equipment after use, in a clean
- Minibus Emergency Procedure
In the event of an accident or breakdown, the following procedure must be followed:
- Ensure at all times, the children are in a safe place, supervised by a competent member of staff
- Telephone the Manager promptly at the venue: 07789696358
- Explain the problem clearly and advise the supervisor of the nature of assistance required
- When possible, a relief minibus will be sent to pick up the group.
In extreme emergencies, telephone the Emergency Services on 999 or 112
20.Minibus Emergency Procedure
In the event of an accident or breakdown, the following procedure must be followed:
- Ensure at all times, the children are in a safe place, supervised by a competent member of staff
- Telephone the
Manger promptly at the venue: 07789696358 - Explain the
proble clearly and advise the supervisor of the nature of assistance required - When possible, a relief minibus will be sent to pick up the group.
In extreme emergencies, telephone the Emergency Services on 999 or 112
21. Lost child procedure
It is the policy of this committee to ensure all children are kept safe and well. Set out below are procedures to follow if a child was to be separated from the group when on an outing
- A register is taken daily and all children must be signed in first thing in the morning
- The children will be counted at regular intervals during the day
- Each child will be designated a 1-1 for the day
- Before leaving for an outing the volunteers will be aware of whom they are looking after
- All children will be counted on and off the bus
- On arrival at the destination, the group leader will designate a meeting point in case anyone gets separated from the group
- All staff and volunteers must make sure no child becomes separated from them Should the worst happen and a child does become lost search the immediate area, ensuring the other children are appropriately staffed and inform the parents and police immediately.
Report to Ofsted: 08456 404040, ref EY272268
22. Horse Riding Procedure
Group Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Volunteers are responsible for their children at all times. The responsibility does not lie with the riding school for our children
- Please wear sensible footwear on the days when the children are riding i.e. not sandals
- If you do not like horses or suffer from any allergy connected with them, please tell us before we embark on the riding trip.
- There must be TWO helpers with the child at ALL TIMES whilst mounted on the horse
- The leader of the horse or pony must be a member of the riding school staff
- Children taking part in riding MUST wear a safety hat at all times and also correct footwear. Wellingtons with a heel are ideal, as they will not slip through the stirrups (A note to parents the day before would be beneficial.)
Please do not walk behind the horses or ponies with the children.
It is vital that staff understand that the children’s safety is paramount on these occasions as is their own. If these simple guidelines are adhered to, the children should enjoy the activity and it should remain accident-free.
23. Finance Policy and Procedures
Financial Policy
1. The Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- Safeguarding the assets of the charity
- Preventing fraud
- Avoiding mistakes
- Keeping financial records in accordance with the governing document and relevant legislation (e.g., Charities Acts, Companies Acts etc.)
- Preparing Annual Accounts in accordance with the governing document and relevant legislation
2. To enable the Board of Trustees to carry out these responsibilities, the Financial Procedures detailed below must be followed at all times by all Board of Trustees members, staff and volunteers.
3. A copy of this policy and procedures will be given to all Board of Trustee members on their election/appointment to the Board, and to all relevant staff and volunteers.
4. The policy and procedures will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees and revised as necessary.
Financial Procedures
1. Organisational Information
a) Our Financial Year runs from 1 st October -30 th September
b) Name of Bankers: Lloyd’s
4 Market Sq. Dover Kent CT16 1ND
c) Name of Auditor/Independent Examiner……Dave Marley Higson & Co
45 Queen St Deal Kent CT14 6EY
2. Bank Accounts
a) All bank accounts must be in the name of the organisation.
b) No account may ever be opened in the name of an individual or individuals.
c) New accounts may only be opened by a decision of the Board of Trustees, which must be minuted.
d) Changes to the bank mandate may only be made by a decision of the Board of Trustees, which must be minuted.
e) Two people should be involved in counting cash receipts.
f) All cheques must be signed by two signatories.
g) The signatories are responsible for examining the cheque for accuracy and completeness.
h) All Internet Bank Transfers must be authorised by two signatories.
i) The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring accuracy and completeness prior to transmission.
j) The signatories are responsible for examining the payment documentation (purchase invoice etc.) prior to signing the cheque or authorising an Internet Transfer.
k) Blank cheques must never be signed.
3. Signatories to the accounts:
i) Name: Sue Clark MBE
Role/Job Title: Chair
ii) Name: Katrina Gravenor
Role/Job Title: Treasurer
4. Annual Budget
a) An annual budget, setting out the organisation’s financial plan for the year, will be prepared so that the Board of Trustees can approve it before the start of each financial year.
b) The draft budget will be prepared by the following three personnel:
- Chairman Sue Clark
- Coordinator Sarah Slingsby Vice chair child coordinator
- Treasurer Katrina Gravenor
5. Financial Reports
a) A financial report will be prepared for every Board of Trustees meeting.
b) The financial report will consist of:
- Profit & Loss
- Balance Sheet
c) Each Financial Report will be circulated to all Board of Trustees members and discussed at the following committee meeting.
d) The reports will be prepared by the treasurer
6. Accounting and other financial records
The organisation maintains a computerised accounting system which records:
- Cheques and cash received and banked
- Cheque payments, Internet Banking Transfers, and other amounts paid from the bank accounts
- Every transaction will be entered into the appropriate book and will include:
- The date of the transaction
- The name of the person money was received from or paid to and the full amount
- A brief description of why the money was received or paid
- An analysis of each amount under its relevant budget heading, where applicable
b) All documents relating to receipts and payments will be filed in the month they are input into the system
c) A regular backup copy will be taken, saved to imac and a copy transferred electronically to the Chair
7. Authorisation and Payment
a) All purchase orders must be recorded in the Purchase Order book and allocated the next sequential Purchase Order Number.
b) The Purchase Order Number must be given to the Supplier and quoted on their invoice.
c) The Chairman (or Treasurer in their absence) must approve the purchase of any item over £200.
d) No Board of Trustees or staff member may authorise payment to themselves, their partner or relatives.
e) Invoices (or other receipts) should be matched and checked against the Purchase Order book before payment is authorised. All goods received must be signed for, if unchecked they must be checked for completeness before payment.
f) Before cheque or Internet payment is made, it must be authorised in writing.
g) When the cheque is signed, the two signatories should also sign the Cheque Requisition Form.
h) For Internet Bank Transfer the two signatories must sign the Authorisation form.
i) Once payment has been made the invoice (or other receipt) should be marked “Paid”, together with the cheque number and date.
j) All payments must be entered in the computerised accounting system only after being authorised.
8. Payroll
a) All employees (including sessional and part time employees) must be asked to complete the relevant PAYE form/s before they receive any payment.
b) All staff changes and changes to terms and conditions of employment must be authorised and minuted by the Board of Trustees.
c) Payroll and all calculations will be made by Katrina Gravenor. Pegasus Treasurer
9. Insurance
a) Appropriate Insurance policies will be maintained to cover:
b) Morton Michael: Uk;s leading childcare insurance specialist.
- Employer’s Liability
- Public Liability
- Contents
c) An inventory of all physical assets of the organisation will be kept and regularly updated.
d) A copy will be kept off the premises at the address of the Treasurer.
10. This Financial Policy, and the Financial Procedures detailed above were agreed and minuted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees on:
Name: Sue Clark MBE
Signed: S Clark
Date: 14/03/2023
25. Self-Harm Policy
Please click on the document below to open.


About us
Pegasus Playscheme provides Good Quality support and services for children with a variety of severe and complex disabilities. We operate a 3 week Summer Playscheme, offering activities for children with disabilities and severe learning difficulties. Each child is supported by a local able-bodied teenager.
Registered Charity no. 299301